Metamora Area FIRST Robotics Team
Who are we? ......... 4143!
MARS/WARS 4143 is a Metamora Township High School-based FIRST Robotics Team. Every year an engineering challenge is released around the globe and MARS/WARS works to design, manufacture, and develop a solution for the challenge. We strive to be competitive in our competitions but stay innovative and fresh with our designs.
When we aren't in the Competition Season we work to achieve the mission of FIRST by being involved in our community and local groups or schools. We work to provide students of our community and team with skills that will make them competitive in the STEAM fields.

FRC? What's that?
FRC or FIRST Robotics Competition is a "Sport of the Mind" available to high school students across the world. The Goals of FIRST with this competition is to give students a real-world "like" scenario where they can learn and practice useful industry skills in a professional yet exciting environment.
These skills can range from engineering design and manufacturing, software development and control systems, and marketing strategies and professional relations. The FIRST programs are available to anyone and no matter the background they can find a way to help benefit the team.

Interested in Getting Involved?
Whether you are a sponsor, parent, student, or just looking to get out of the house, MARS/WARS would love your support!
Prospective Sponsors please check out our Sponsor Page here
Parents and Students looking to learn about the team checkout our Interested Page here
If you are looking to get involved or just want to know more please contact
Team - 4143marswars@gmail.com
Mr. Stoecker - stoecker@mths.us
Mr. Ballard - dballard@mths.us